Idea To Create A Website

Creating a website means having a web address and to host webpages. Main thing for website is web hosting. There are many free and paid web hosting provider. You may use according to your choice and need.
build website
Basic types of websites are:

    1. Simple Wapsites:

For the simple html website you need knowledge of html and a host provider. You can google wapsite builder to see relevant result. Signup to any wapsite hosting website and start making your own wapsite. You have to code html and upload to you site to make your website. Some wapsite builder also supports php so you can user php code also. Some provides visual wapsite builder so you don’t need any knowledge about coding. You can add widgets and change theme from the builder page. This type of wapsite is free and also paid. Free hosting provider shows advertisements on your website while paid don’t do so and has more service than free one.

    1. CMS Based Websites:

Other way to make website is to make websites using CMS(content management system). CMS mainly use php code. (What is PHP?). Using PHP to build website is easy and more effective than pure HTML because php can generate html codes that is rendered by the browser.
There is no problem if you don’t know php. There is many open source blogging platform you can use. These are ready made php codes that you need to upload in your server and start blogging. Some of the blogging platform needs database to store your all data and posts and some don’t. For those that needs database you need web hosting provider that supports php and mysql. For those that don’t need database, store data and posts as a text file so you only need php web hosting provider.
One of the best blogging platform is WordPress. I’m also using WordPress in this site. It is easy and have many plugins and themes to costomize your website. Others are Joomla, Ghost, phpFusion etc. These all are open source CMS
Summary: Using CMS is better than wapsite builder. CMS gives more functionality and is more flexible than the wapsite builder. Wapsite builder is only better for mobile sites and you need to code for each post but in CMS you don’t need to code, once you installed it in your server you don’t need to code for another post.
See my another post how to create a website using WordPress.

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