Installing Eclipse Photon in Windows 10

Eclipse is a cross platform IDE mostly used for java developments. But it supports many programming language other than java. Eclipse also has extensions and plugins that makes it configurable with user needs. In this article I am describing the installation procedure of Eclipse Photon. Eclipse Photon is the latest version of Eclipse available now.

Download Eclipse

Go to and click on download button.

You will be forwarded to download page. Previous versions of Eclipse does not come with installer but this version comes with an installer also. It is your choice to choose installer or Eclipse Packages. Eclipse Installer and Eclipse Package are same and they don’t have any differences. In installer you need to choose the Package you want to install and it automatically downloads and installs Eclipse Package in the given directory. While in Eclipse Package, you have to manually extract and place the program files in the directory you want to install Eclipse.


Depending upon your processor (x64/x86) you have to choose the correct version of Eclipse. My PC is x64 bit so, its showing x64 bit Eclipse installer download option.

  • If you want to go with installer just click on Download button to start downloading Eclipse Installer.
  • If you want to download Packages click on Download Packages. Choose package you want to download and select the x64 or x32 bit version and download the package. Packages are in .zip archive.

Download and Install Java Development Kit (JDK)

Eclipse is based on Java so to run Eclipse it requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be installed. There are two choice to download, first is to download JRE and second is to download JDK. If you want to develop Java then you need JDK, if not and you are going for PHP or other programming languages with Eclipse then download JRE.

You don’t need both. JDK also contains JRE, so only download either JRE or JDK.

Download JRE 8u171 from


Don’t forget to Accept License Agreement.

Download JDK 8u171 from


Don’t forget to Accept License Agreement.

I am not going to show steps to install JDK or JRE because it is very easy. Double click on program and next….next…..finish. You are done.

Installing Eclipse

1. Installer Way

Open installer and choose the package you want to install. And click on install. It will download the package and extract to destination folder and creates shortcut to your desktop.

eclipse installer

2. Manual Way

You can also install Eclipse manually. Extract the downloaded package (.zip) file in your C:\ drive or choose any location you want to install and extract it there. After extracting you will get something like this C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe, open this and you are able to launch Eclipse IDE. You can also create a shortcut to your Desktop. To do this right click on eclipse.exe >> send to >> Desktop.

If you don not install JRE or JDK then you are not abe to open the Eclipse installer or Eclipse IDE.

If you have any problem regarding Eclipse Installation then comment below.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Hilbert

    I don’t know if you checked but nowadays you just can’t download JDK or JRE 8 from Oracle, it redirects you to a login page. They’re not allowing to download even JDK 11, only 12

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