Call from Ncell to Ncell using its Cheapest Voice Pack

Previously Ncell was providing night voice packs only, now it also provides day pack. So you can get full benefit of this. Ncell is providing day voice pack of 30 minutes talk time for only Rs.8, which is amazing. This day pack is valid from 5 am to 5 pm only. Now you can talk for 30 minutes with Rs.8. Despite of this you can also buy night voice packs of 2 hours only for Rs. 8.78. Other Ncell voice packs are given below:

Ncell Voice Pack

Voice Packs

Talktime (minutes)

Price (including taxes)



Daily 20 Rs. 15 all time 0.75
11 Rs. 11 all time 1
Weekly 120 Rs. 70 all time 0.583
70 Rs. 60 all time 0.875
Night 120 Rs. 8.78 10PM-6AM 0.073
Day 30 Rs. 8 5AM-5PM 0.267
Monthly 700 Rs. 300 all time 0.429
400 Rs. 200 all time 0.5
3 Days 50 Rs. 30 all time 0.6

To buy: Dial *17118# or 17118. And buy day or night voice pack. Also see: How to take international voice pack in Ncell
NOTE: Daily voice packs and day voice packs are different. Don’t be confused.

4 thoughts on “Call from Ncell to Ncell using its Cheapest Voice Pack”

    1. Voice call is meant to be used for calls. If its typing mistake (can’t)- you can only use Ncell voice packs within Ncell network. Or you can call to customer care center 9005.

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