Phoenix OS Troubleshooting

Phoenix OS now is the most installed Android OS for PCs. After the launch of PUBG Mobile game it became favorite among emulator players. I am also using it. Phoenix OS can be installed with executable files in Windows and Mac, but one have to manually install it using Linux. After installing Phoenix OS one may face different problems so I am trying to list some common problems with their solutions in order to troubleshoot Phoenix OS.

Before jumping to troubleshooting lets have some information.

  • Phoenix OS is an Android OS hence has a Linux kernel and can be installed in any PCs or laptops that can run Linux.
  • Phoenix OS uses GRUB as bootloader to load kernel.
  • There is two variant of Phoenix OS; 64 bit (x86_64) and 32 bit (x86). So before downloading Phoenix_OS_x86_64.exe (.iso) make sure you have 64 bit system. Otherwise it won’t boot.
  • To be able to install 64 bit Phoenix OS your CPU must support SSE4.2 instructions set.
  • Linux Kernel parameter can be modified temporarily from GRUB. When GRUB shows up, navigate to Phoenix OS and press E to modify kernel parameters. It starts with linux.
  • Installation and upgrading of Phoenix OS is easier in Linux than Windows. If you have dual boot Windows and Linux then install Phoenix using Linux. You will thank me later.
  • Phoenix OS download link –
  • Phoenix OS ROC (WoltreX Mods) download link –
  1. Unable to boot Phoenix OS or having bootloop
  2. Stuck on Detecting Phoenix OS… found at /dev/sdaX
  3. Showing scratched or distorted screen
  4. Google Play Service can’t be installed
  5. Mic problem, mic is too noisy
  6. No full screen in external monitor with HDMI output
  7. WiFi is not working
  8. Phoenix OS is not rooted
  9. PUBG Mobile shows only black screen
  10. Compiling resources problem in PUBG Mobile
  11. How to get rid of Phoenix OS VIP annoying ads
  12. Phoenix OS ROC direct download link

1. Unable to boot Phoenix OS or having bootloop

Bootloop happens when you installed wrong variant of Phoenix OS. You probably have installed 64 bit Phoenix OS (x86_64) in a 32 bit machine (x86). Download 32 bit Phoenix OS (x86) if you have 32 bit PC or laptop.

This is 64 bit;

This is 32 bit;

Also make sure your CPU supports SSE4.2  instructions set. Otherwise 64 bit Phoenix OS won’t boot. You can use CPU-Z to find it or google your CPU model.

PUBG Mobile lags? Read How to Optimize Phoenix OS.

2. Stuck on Detecting Phoenix OS… found at /dev/sdaX

Make sure you have installed right Phoenix OS, see this. Remove androidboot.hardware=android_x86_64 and add androidboot.selinux=permissive in kernel boot parameter. Read Info section above to know how to edit kernel parameters.

3. Showing scratched or distorted screen

This happens when you manually upgraded or changed Phoenix OS system.img but forgot to copy kernel and initrd.img. If you are using Windows as dual boot, then remember you also need to copy kernel and initrd.img to EFI partition. To do this;

1- Mount the EFI partition to a free mount point:
— Run command prompt as administrator
— Type “mountvol X: /s” (without the quotes, X being an unused mount point)
2- Use Explorer++ (Free, Open Source app) to manipulate the files on the partition:
— Run Explorer++ with administrative privileges
— Then go to X:\EFI\PhoenixOS there already will be kernel and initrd.img replace those with new ones.

If this is not your case or it does not helps then remove androidboot.hardware=android_x86_64 and add androidboot.selinux=permissive in kernel boot parameter.

4. Google Play Service can’t be installed

Go to and search for x86 variant (000700) for example;

5. Mic problem, mic is too noisy

Go to /system/etc/ open and after line alsa_amixer -c $c set PCM 100 unmute add these;

alsa_amixer -c $c set 'Rear Mic' on
alsa_amixer -c $c set 'Rear Mic' 100%
alsa_amixer -c $c set 'Rear Mic Boost' 1
alsa_amixer -c $c set 'Line' on
alsa_amixer -c $c set 'Line' 100%
alsa_amixer -c $c set 'Line Boost' 1
alsa_amixer -c $c set 'Input Source',0 'Rear Mic'
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'Mic' on
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'Mic' 100%
alsa_amixer -c1 cset name='Mic Capture Switch' on
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'Mic Boost' 1
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'Internal Mic' on
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'Internal Mic' 100%
alsa_amixer -c1 cset name='Internal Mic Capture Switch' on
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'Internal Mic Boost' 1
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'Inverted Internal Mic' on
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'Inverted Internal Mic' 100%
alsa_amixer -c1 cset name='Inverted Internal Mic Capture Switch' on 

Want to restrict background data in PhoenixOS? Read: Must have Android Apps.

6. No full screen in external monitor with HDMI output

You need to add;

video=LVDS-1:d video=1920x1080

in your kernel parameter. You need to change resolution as your monitor. If you have monitor with 1366×768 resolution then the parameter becomes;

video=LVDS-1:d video=1366x768

7. WiFi is not working

If WiFi is not working in your machine with Phoenix OS then it might be Phoenix OS does not supports your WiFi card. Or may be it is disabled. Try all these options. Some laptops have special key to enable/disable WiFi (check in your keyboard) so try that. If that also does not works make sure it is turned on in Windows or Linux you have with Phoenix OS. If you have two WiFi cards connected to your computer or laptop then WiFi won’t work. Remove or disable (through BIOS) one WiFi card (WiFi adapter) and reboot Phoenix OS. If all of these does not work then its sure your driver is not supported by Phoenix OS.

8. Phoenix OS is not rooted

Phoenix OS is pre-rooted but it is disabled. To enable root, go to Settings then make sure native settings (upper right) is turned off. If you see Root Permissions go there and enable it, otherwise go to About Tablet and enable Developer Options by clicking Build number 7 times. Exit Settings and open again then you will see Developer Options in Settings. Go to Developer Options and enable Root Access.

9. PUBG Mobile shows only black screen

PUBG Mobile only runs on 64 bit Phoenix OS (x86_64). You need a 64 bit machine to be able to play PUBG Mobile in Phoenix OS. Also read this.

10. Compiling resources problem in PUBG Mobile

Phoenix ROC Instinct is fixed for compiling resource problem with PUBG Mobile and optimized for PUBG Mobile. Download official Phoenix OS ROC – Instinct I from the link at the end of this post.

11. How to get rid of Phoenix OS VIP annoying ads

It is recommended to support the developer by subscribing or watching ads. It will help them to further develop the OS. However if you are unable to subscribe and not willing to help them, you can uninstall launchwork.apk to avoid showing ads. launchwork.apk opens Phoenix VIP subscribe window and ads whenever users opens a app.

Install Link2SD app from store and open it >> grant root access >> scroll down to Phoenix OS VIP. Here you will see 2 Phoenix OS VIP, one with package name /system/app/Phoenixvip/phoenixvip.apk and other is /system/app/launchwork/launchwork.apk. You need to uninstall app with package name launchwork.apk. Reboot Phoenix OS and you won’t see annoying ads from now.

12. Phoenix OS ROC direct download links

Developer of Phoenix OS (Woltrex) is doing great work by modifying and providing mods of original Phoenix OS. These mods runs great with PUBG Mobile and other Android games. But the problem is that he is making harder to download Phoenix OS ROC. Before you get a download link there are adverts which shows up before providing the download link and which is full of shit. When you click on next it forces you to repeat the process again and again and also opens random sites you never wanted to visit. I got Phoenix OS ROC download link in nearly 15 minutes. Not only that, you need to get a decryption key to decrypt Phoenix OS ROC which doubles the trouble. If you guys facing these problems I am providing the download links so that you can download Phoenix OS ROC easily.

Phoenix OS ROC Instinct I [Mega] –!p6gxFYhZ
Mega Decryption Key –

If you have other solutions or anything new about problems in Phoenix OS please comment. It will be added in this post.

57 thoughts on “Phoenix OS Troubleshooting”

  1. Nardhoj Bantawa Rai

    Phoenix OS Maa earphone or Built in headphone ko mic chaldaina, yo kasari fix hanne? mero maa chalena mic so using usb mic .

        1. Set all mic boost and line boost to 0 it will work then.
          example, alsa_amixer -c $c set ‘Rear Mic Boost’ 0 and alsa_amixer -c $c set ‘Line Boost’ 0

  2. Julio Ulises Hernández Tejeda

    se puede usar una USB en este OS, también me interesa el tema del HDMI, que tal va en un DUAL BOOT junto a Windows 10 y si puedo instalar una impresora aqui aunque lo dudo por ser android, de ahi en fuera espero y me respondan las dudas de lo anterior como o si es que puedo usar aqui la usb y el HDMI

    1. Sí, también puede usar la impresora en Phoenix OS. El móvil Android tiene opciones de impresión, por lo que también tiene. He visto algunos videos en YouTube sobre esto. Puedes probarlo

  3. Hi There
    I installed Phoenix os on MacBook pro 14.1
    Everything works fine except sound. Is there is anyway i can install sound card driver ?

    1. You don’t need to edit kernel file. You only need to use correct kernel files with Phoenix OS, Phoenix ROC has modified kernel so if you use original kernel with ROC version it will give some error. You can read ‘Showing scratched or distorted screen’ to know how to change Phoenix OS kernel in Windows.

          1. Sir i got problem on scratched boot. Im follow your step to change new one initrd.img. im copy file from my phoenix os file to my Efi partition. But i’m still got stuck scratched
            Will u give me link for initrd.img. im using original Phoenix os

          2. No, you don’t need to replace with new intrd.img. You need to install intrd.img that comes with the OS you downloaded. If you use other intrd.img then you will get scratched boot.

  4. Buenas, muchas gracias por el apoyo tengo un problema marcado con Phoenix el cual detallo a continuación:
    todo instalado correctamente el SO funcionando a la perfección; pero luego de instalarlo en varios equipos diferentes he tropezado con un par de errores en 2 computadores de escritorio.
    1 no me deja hacer screnshot simplemente la tecla no funciona y las aplicaciones tampoco.
    2 No se pueden contestar estados de whatsapp
    Agradecería si alguien puede ayudarme con este para de detalles

  5. i dont get number 3, ive installed the os with the exe installer and it showed that problem, can you please help me and explain it more clearly ?

    1. Problem number 3 happens when you manually imstall Phoenix OS when you forget to replace previous Phoenix OS kernel with new kernel. I you installed with .exe installer this problem should not come. But in your case you are getting this problem there may be some bug or your cpu is not supported. You should google for this problem since it is also new problem to me.

  6. Hello!..
    I tried many times to run PHONEIX OS in my (potato) PC but unfortunately sucks on “Detecting Phoenix OS… found at /dev/sda2
    I have an old pc 4gb RAM Intel core 2Duo E7500..and I bet the CPU is not compatible with the OS ..I installed z-cpu to see if it has the SSE4.2 ARCH ..
    some Details :
    Technology 45 nm
    TDP Limit 65.0 Watts
    Core Speed 2925.2 MHz
    Multiplier x Bus Speed 11.0 x 265.9 MHz
    Base frequency (cores) 265.9 MHz
    Base frequency (ext.) 265.9 MHz
    Rated Bus speed 1063.7 MHz
    Stock frequency 2933 MHz
    Instructions sets MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, EM64T, VT-x is the intel core 2duo E7500 compatible with Phoenix OS ..and if it’s not there any suggestions ? Thank you.

  7. I install dual boot phoenix and linux but shows only ubuntu in boot and when i select ubuntu ..phoenix os open..i cannot open ubuntu..

  8. Hello , I downloaded Phoenix OS to my pc as my pc also consist of windows 7 when I tried to boot Phoenix it always get stuck during booting period and it does not open to me for work with it. Actually I really need this os to work with android apps as i have to complete my school works on some android apps .Please I request you to send me a solution to repair this problem .

      1. hi I have question on 3. Showing scratched or distorted screen
        how to replace kernel and initrd.img new one ,when I am trying to initrd.img but it says “THE DISC IMAGE FILE IS CORRUPTED.” please help ,say me in step by step
        HELP ME OUT!!!

  9. I have question in Showing scratched or distorted screen
    how to replace kernel and initrd.img new one when i am trying to open it say “THE DISK IMAGE FILE IS CORRUPTED” please help me out give me step by step

  10. Works fine when I run from USB. When I install it, it’s stuck on ‘System initializing, please wait…’. Any ideas?

  11. When I Try To Boot With The .bat command prompt file the first windows works and then the second window of cmd automatically closes and now i can’t boot it how to fix it

  12. Hey i have one problem with my Phoenix OS Spectre Edition, when i tried run a video in one app just audio appear this same thing as ocourred in all apps why i tried run videos. If you know how i can fix this, please answer me

    1. You don’t get kernel and initrd file from anywhere generally. What this article tells to not mixup kernel or initrd files when you manually place files.

  13. Bro im newly installed phoenix os and it saying detecting phoenix os found at dev sda … im already erased my window what can i do .this is long time im replying u im expecting reply from u 😔

      1. Detecting phoenix os found at dev sda problem how can I solve this bro I already erased my window how to edit kernel boot parameters can you please tell me

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