There are many people and students searching for free domain for their projects, blogs and companies. .np ccTLD domain is completely free which is provided by Mercantile Communication aiming to expand IT field in Nepal.
Anyone in Nepal can get free domain name but one must verify that he/she is Nepali citizen.
Getting domain name only does not makes a complete website. It must be hosted in a web server before you can visit your website. In this tutorial only I am going to show is, how to get free domain name. To host your domain name for free read How to Host a Domain Name for Free.
Before requesting a .np domain
These are prerequisite to register a .np domain.
1. Prepare some documents
You need to provide a scanned copy of a cover letter (hand written) and citizenship (or similar document) to verify yourself while registering a domain name so prepare it first. Example of a cover letter is given below. Both front and back view of citizenship must be shown in the scanned copy, and the image (scanned copy) should be less than 800 KB. You can also use your camera to get the photos. After that Photoshop those images to get both sides in a single image. Also if the file gets greater than 800 KB decrease the pixel of your document. I recommend to use jpeg image format because it is compressed and is smaller in size than other image formats. If you need more compression you can try save for web option in Photoshop.

* Don’t be dumb and replace name, email, mobile number, date and domain name with yours.
2. Get nameserver details
If you already have hosting then you don’t need this step since you can get nameserver from your hosting provider. But we are going to use Cloudflare which is awesome and also increases your website performance so even you have hosting you can follow this.
For this you need to create an account in Cloudflare. While creating account in Cloudflare will also asks for domain name which you don’t have yet. But we also need nameserver details from Cloudflare before requesting a domain registration. So what you should do is, put any available domain or mine ( and continue with free plan. Then Cloudflare will scan that domain and shows DNS records that domain is using and we don’t need these records. Just continue to get nameservers. At last you will get a page requesting you to change the nameservers.

We just need those Nameserver1 and Nameserver2 for our domain registration. Copy those for later use. After requesting domain name you can remove that site from Cloudflare and after your domain is registered add new domain in Cloudflare. After that you need DNS records to host that domain which I will describe in other article.
How to register free domain name
Now we register our domain name where we need those above documents and namerserver details.
1. Create a account on
Go to Which is Nepal’s official .np Domain Registration site.
Before starting to create a domain name you must read Term and Conditions, Required Documents and list of available and valid domain names first.
Click on User Login to go to login and signup page.

Click on Create user to create a new account.

Fill the form carefully and create account. Details should be same as in your citizenship.

2. Login and search for domain name
After creating account login to your account. You will find a search bar there. Search for available domain name you want to register. The domain name should be an exact match, abbreviation or acronym of the registrant’s name of trademark.

If domain name is available register that domain otherwise search for another domain name.

3. Fill your details
You again need to fill a form to give complete details about person to whom the domain name belongs to. These details should match to your citizenship or passports. Incorrect information may cause delay in registration process or request may be rejected. So fill the required section carefully with your original details.
4. Add Nameservers
Nameservers details of your hosting provider should be filled before requesting domain name. Namerservers are provided by hosting provider so that domain can point to that host. Mercantile made nameservers compulsory before requesting a domain name and I don’t like that because it is not always users have hosting account so they get nameservers details. And changing nameservers details takes almost a day and DNS propagation may also take a day or more. That is why we created a Cloudflare account before requesting a domain name. I hope Mercantile will provide good DNS management in future.
So fill your nameserver you got earlier from Cloudflare. In this case primary and secondary nameservers are and respectively. I will show you how to create and setup web hosting in another article. These nameservers can be changed anytime by logging in your account you created just now.

5. Upload a coverletter and citizenship
After filling this form you will need to provide a scanned copy of a cover letter (hand written) and citizenship (or similar document) to verify yourself. So upload those images you created before.

6. Wait for domain verification
After that your domain name will be in pending list to be reviewed by staffs. Don’t forget to confirm any confirmation you got in your email. It may take up to 2 working days to activate your domain name. Once activated you will receive a email from them. To host your domain name for free see How to Host a Domain Name for Free – Free Web Hosting.
If you got any problem please comment below.
I am going to register mine. It is taking time to register. I have uploaded all documents.
It may take 2 days to process your request.
I have register for free domain according to above suggestion but no response from .np Domain Registra…
If you have registered then a email will be sent to you from Mercantile Communication. Check spam folder of you email also.
I want to make a site of any other name in .np domain but i am underage and i don’t have a citizenship what can i do?
Hopeful you will reply soon….
Sorry but you must need a citizenship to register .np domain with your name.
Wow great content.Thanks sangam for such awesome content .I am from Nepal and i read all your article .
Domain Registration in Nepal
can i get a google adsense aproove in ,np domain name? Did you get adsense aprooval via .np domain name
Yes you can get. I already got approved and now it is about to hit threshold paying amount.
Any way to get a .np domain without another tld paired with it?
Example: instead of
No it is not available.
My domain request was rejected for the DNS you provided above. Reason- Suspected DNS.
Can you let me know how to proceed?
I don’t know why they are blocking cloudflare DNS while registering. I have registered all my domains and others too with cloudflare DNS. Please try with other name-server like actual web hosting provider you are using. They all provides name-servers. After you get your domain then setup your website with cloudflare.
Can we get host for free And What host did you used?
Yes, there are plenty of free host providers, you can use any. But free hosts are not reliable and do not guarantee 100% uptime. Your site may be offline for some time. I use DigitalBerg.
if i make any mistakes in the request letter do i have to send the request again or can i just edit the document?
You can delete previous document and re-upload new one. You can do it from dashboard.
its saying document are scrated or unreadable while i have uploaded the documents in proper way for several times.. help me
Make sure your name and details are clear in citizenship and also cover letter should be clear and properly written. Before uploading images check image resolution it should not be too big or too less. If that also didn’t help try putting your back side of citizenship which is in English above the Nepali. This last trick did the work when one of my friend had issue with front side.
Hii Sangam, I’m a big fan of your writing. I’m planning to jump into blogging after reading your every post. And, this post is really going to help me for free domain registration. Thanks a lot.
Also View: Domain Registration in Nepal
I hope it helps.
please help me register a domain using your identity a good person.
Using my identity I will have domain with my name not yours. Please follow this tutorial you can make it.
Great sir , I usually refer this article when customer get confuse about .np domain registration
Thank you very much.
Sorry to say but Mercantile ( is no more . Its hacked…….
my domain was registered but dont know what to do after that help me
You have to get a hosting and then host your site there and point domain nameserver to your hosting provider. You can google for it. Here is one example
Pls am not from Nepal, can someone pls get one for me pls or can the admin of this blog help me pls
No it is not allowed to take .np domain for non citizen.
Bro, thanks for this article. Btw I have a question, does Mercentile International holds the right to delete or take away our registered domain name even though we might not have violated any of their policys?
My main concern is, just like Blogger can take away any .blogspot sites if they want, can Mercentile also do the same ?
And last question, I am really planning to start my own site, should I stick with .np domain or should I go with just .com domain ? I found from your article that, .np domain is free for lifetime, and this particular leverage has me rooting for .np domain.
You should read their term and condition
However I don’t think they will delete your domain without any reason. There are plenty of unused domain which should be taken care by Mercentile but seems they don’t have any problem with these domains.
Hello sangam. Can we register more than one domain with one citizenship document?
Technically yes, you can get multiple domains as there are no such thing to stop one from requesting multiple domains. And I haven’t seen any such term and conditions.
Nice article
I am not being able to get the domain plz help me to get the domain by using my document.
I can’t help you with this. You should not share your personal documents to others.
Thanks again for the informative article on .np Domain registration but You know you can get Web hosting for a great price on Nest Nepal
Wow really nice content i hope this article will reach many people out there because there are many people who are coming new to this field struggle to register the np domain for free in Nepal.
Best Web Hosting and Domain registration in Nepal
Thanks for such Article which helps alots of users to get free .np CCTLD and the information you provided is worthy and best guide to get .np domain.
Check This Article 🙂
I, by mistake, put the name server as something different than what I should have kept, I need to change it but while it is being approved I can’t make changes to it but when it is approved, can I then make changes to it or is it unchangeable forever?
You can change the nameserver again. But it may take time as they need to approve the changes.