How to Remove Footer Credit on Flash Theme by ThemeGrill?

Flash is multipurpose, easy, flexible and feature-rich theme. It has drag and drop page builder that makes it more advanced. Flash is available in free and premium version. Free version does not allow you to change the footer credit text. To change the footer credits just add this code in your child theme ‘function.php’ or if you have any custom plugin you can put this code in your plugin.

If you have problem on editing your child theme or you don’t have any child theme, you can use this plugin. Just download and install this plugins and it starts working.

After installing this plugin you may able to edit footer text from theme customizer.

If you are using Spacious Theme by ThemeGrill then read How to Remove Footer Credit on Spacious Theme by ThemeGrill?

92 thoughts on “How to Remove Footer Credit on Flash Theme by ThemeGrill?”

  1. Hi,
    Tried both the plugin and the functions.php code. It removes part of the footer but leaves the ? Copyright © 2018 Flash. intact. Any suggestions on how to get that portion of it off?

    1. I rechecked this plugin/code. This removes all other footer credits but, it leaves copyright notice as is. After activating this plugins – Copyright © 2018 Your_SiteName. You may have no problem with this. It is okay for most bloggers. If you want to completely remove the footer including copyright of your site, then you have to make a small change to its code.
      You can edit your plugin like this:

      1. Thank you for your prompt reply. The problem is that the copyright notice includes Flash (Copyright (c) 2018 Flash). It does not replace “Flash” with the site_name.

          1. Maurizio Mazzocco

            Hi Sangam, I have downloaded and installed your Plugin and it works perfectly on a website I’m administrating. I have a question for you: is it possible to modify the text in the footer? I.E. – I’d like to use 2 or 3 lines with newline added by me, instead of leaving the system deciding where to place the new line. If you have time you could take a look at the footer of the site:
            Many thanks for your reply. Maurizio

  2. Hi and thanks for this plugin, however, I still didn’t know how to make it work.
    I have tried to Configure in Appearance => Customize => Footer but it doesn’t show anything in footer.
    I changed my website name, could be something to do with this? I cannot change my client website name…
    I also have tried the remove all footer option from your last example but still nothing happens, probably missing something here, right?
    Thanks in advance

    1. It has no connection with the site name. It should work, but I am confused why it is not working for you while working for others. After installing the plugin you have to edit the footer in Appearance => Customize => Footer.

  3. I have placed this code properly and I the line has been removed but this line exist “Copyright © 2018 Flash.” and I would like to flash into from brandname but I can’t.
    Please help me

      1. I tried this ,still doesn’t work. Infact, the entire footer area disappeared. Does this work on the free version o the theme… please help… thanks

        1. Download the plugin and install that. You have to go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Footer >> Footer Text to edit the footer credits. Reply if you still have a problem.

  4. Hi there!
    I have 2 external link on the top. I dont like external link on header menu. How do I do to delete them? Thank you!

  5. does this work on the free version? I’ve tried it severally, it’s not working. Infact, the footer completely disappears from the site.

    1. This is made for free version so yes it works. You have to go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Footer >> Footer Text to edit the footer credits. Reply if you still have a problem. Plugin is recommended to use.

      1. I still have a problem. I initially downloaded the plugin for it but when it didn’t work, I had to delete it… i’m editing straight from the WordPress editor. Not very good at creating a child theme.

        1. Sorry for inconvenience but I rechecked the plugin with newest version of theme and is working properly. After installing this plugin you have to go to site dashboard and then Appearance >> Customize >> Footer. You don’t need to create any child theme. Please explain the problem if not working. I ready to help.

  6. I didn’t go to the customizer after downloading the plugin. I didn’t bother because initially with the free version, the footer text area didn’t appear but with the flash footer plugin, it did.
    Thank you so much again.

          1. I’ll be happy to share it. No need to credit me, it’s your code and your instructions. I’m very grateful for your help. Let me know how I can upload to your site.

          2. Thank you. By the way, you can’t upload to my site. You need to create a git (on Github) and share the link here. It will also help you to have a reference for future as well as I can share that.

  7. hi, I tried it but it’s not removing whole copyright text. It removes part of the footer but leaves the Copyright © 2018 Flash one-pager.

  8. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for saving me hours spent banging my head on my desk.

  9. Okay, if you have time, can you check the plugin?? It’s working, but I don’t know if it’s maybe making some other problem with the site or not…. THANKS!

    1. It should not make any problem since it is a very very small plugin. It is just adds a menu in customization section and and replaces default themegrill footer function with custom one. I will check and update it when after my exam.y

  10. Thanks for your code, it was very helpful. I have one more issue: I am trying to outline the copyright text to center, but cannot seem to find which element I need to take and what it’s values for style css would be. Do you happen to know how to accomplish this?

  11. I used this code in my child theme functions file and it works like a charm! I’d like to include the start year to current year (2016 – 2019). How can I do that?

      1. Ah, you have to hard code the start year. I was trying to set it as a variable and wasn’t successful (I’m not familiar with php code).

        Thank you!

          1. Thanks, I solved the problem. I have one more question. “Copyright © 2019 XXXX” I want to give another name and site link instead of x in this section. Can you tell me by example?

          2. Yes you can do it from customizer if you have used the plugin. Or you can edit that plugin’s function.php in line 15 where you can find $credit_value just modify it as your wish. For example; $credit_value=’WRITE_HERE_ANYTHING_AS_YOU_WRITE_IN_HTML’

  12. Hey, How can I remove the footer all together? I used your code which was great to remove the text but now I’m left with a footer coloured background bar across the page.

    1. You can modify my code, in line 15 you can see $credit_value= you can edit that to make any change in your footer credit. Can you provide the website link?

  13. Hi, can do for Themegrill eStore also? I tried current code and changed all instances of “flash” to “estore” but didn’t work.

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