How To Install Dark Themes In Code::Blocks

Code::Blocks is mostly used opensource IDE due its great features. Code::Blocks is lightweight and easy to use. Becoming opensource it is also available for Linux and is free to download and use. It is best IDE for beginners, who wants to learn C, C++ and FORTRAN and for creating small projects. However for large projects Code::Blocks may not be good.

Code::Blocks comes with light theme by default and not all users like it. There is no option to change the editor theme is Code::Blocks however we can change it manually. Here is how to install Code::Blocks themes.

Theme download link is given at the end of this post.

Available Code::Blocks Themes

  • Son of Obsidian (my favorite)
  • Sublime
  • Oblivion
  • Vim
  • Dark gray
  • KFT2
  • Bright yellow
  • Espresso Libre
  • Modnokai Coffee
  • Modnokai Night Shift
  • Modnokai night Shift v2
  • Slush and Poppies
  • Solarized Dark
  • Solarized Light

How to install CodeBlocks theme?

First you need to download the themes, download it from here: Code::Blocks Theme. Then extract it on the desktop. Close the CodeBlocks application before opening CB Share Config. CB Share Config is a tool that installs along with CodeBlocks. It can be found in Program list.

  • Exit CodeBlocks if already opened.
  • Open CodeBlock Share Config
  • Browser Destination Configuration file which is in right side.
  • Select default.conf
  • Browse Source Configuration file which is in left side.
  • Select the downloaded theme.conf
  • Tick all the checkbox that appeared in source configuration file, which is in right side. (You can use space to tick)
  • Click on Transfer and then Save, and then Close.
  • Now open CodeBlocks, goto Settings>>Editor>>Syntax Highlighting and then Color Themes.

For Linux/Ubuntu

Open CB Share Config using: $ cb_share_config. Then follow the above steps for windows.

For Mac

default.conf is located at ~/Library/Application Support/codeblocks/default.conf and cb_share_config is under The <strong>Library</strong> folder is by default hidden by the most recent version of Mac OX. You could use COMMAND+SHIFT+G to navigate to hidden folders.

Watch this video to learn how to install dark themes in CodeBlocks
Installing Code::Blocks themes
  • If you don’t have default.conf file inside CodeBlocks directory try creating a project, it will be generated.
  • If background of line number did not change go to settings > environment settings > colors. Then edit the following; editor-caret,line number background color, line number foreground number, margin chrome color, margin chrome highlight color.


Google Drive –

Also see – How can you Activate Windows 10 for Free

ZippyShare –

Important Links

Code::Blocks Forum:

Source :

Problem finding default.conf file?
You may want to read FAQ –

72 thoughts on “How To Install Dark Themes In Code::Blocks”

  1. Ok, I did everything according to instructions, downloaded the colorschemes.conf, merged it with default.conf
    using the share tool, enabled the theme in the editor settings, and I get the right theme in the code preview window, but when I go to the real window and open a new project or file, it is still just black on white! It just doesn’t work … I cant use an editor with white background.

  2. Hi
    I used your instructions to change my theme to dark in windows but is there a way to change my Code::Blocks theme in Linux Ubuntu?

  3. So I have done this successfully however I was wondering if there is an easy way to modify the colors of the CodeBlocks IDE that are not associated with the text editor. I would like to make the “windows” dark themed. Thanks.

  4. Great man.. Really Helpful…But themes was found under customized themes which was extracted to the desktop…
    *To those who may not find it..

          1. I don’t use CodeBlocks now but when creating new project default configuration were generated. You could also try reinstalling it.

  5. 5n1p3r_4rt3m1s

    I think in newer versions of CodeBlocks utility “CB Share Config” renamed to “CodeBlocks Share Config”, this might lead to confusion.

  6. I did what was in the article and it worked but the left bar of the editor which has the line numbers stays white regardless of theme, how can i change that?

    1. That should be set manually from appearance settings. Go to settings > environment settings > colors. Then edit the following; editor-caret,line number background color, line number foreground number, margin chrome color, margin chrome highlight color. Shout me if u need further help.

  7. Thanks for the post.
    I have tried it, but after following the instruction, the “colour theme” setting in Editor settings -> syntax highlighting can only be set to Default, as if I have done nothing.
    Do you know what happened?
    I did clicked transfer, save and close… 🙁

  8. Hello!
    I use Code::Blocks installed from ports at FreeBSD 12.1. There is cb_share_config tool, but I have no idea where default.conf is located.
    Maybe somebody knows?

  9. Thanks for this Mr. Sangam. Its a great modification in the theme of code::blocks editor. It’s very useful for me when I code for a longer period of time.

  10. hey…Thanks a lot for the post. Editor turned to dark mode but the number line
    I cant find colors under environment setting.

    1. If background of line number did not change go to settings > environment settings > colors. Then edit the following; editor-caret,line number background color, line number foreground number, margin chrome color, margin chrome highlight color.

  11. after installing this my CB takes 20-30 seconds to startup!!! What happend?
    i tried reinstalling it for 3 times and still startup is slow.

  12. Hi, Sangam!
    Dark themes only work for C/C++ code, aren’t they?
    I tell you because I work Fortran code and any dark theme don’t work, just on my C/C++ code.

  13. “Tick all the checkbox that appeared in source configuration file, which is in right side. (You can use space to tick)”
    Correction: Which is at the left side…
    “Browser Destination Configuration file which is in right side.”
    Correction: Browse… (without the +r)
    default.conf is at c:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\CodeBlocks\
    But you have to set ‘show hidden folders/files’ (or something like that) in whatever file manager you use.

    1. Sangam Shrestha

      Thank you for the correction. This post has been for three years, no one noticed that, even I didn’t noticed that. Lol. I will update my post shortly..

  14. Works Perfectly >>> I’ve discovered hot to access the black theme finally my eyes are not burnt out!

    installed VSCode! :))))))

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