Sublime Text 3 License Key

Searching for Sublime Text 3 License Key? You are at right place. Here is some working Sublime Text 3 license keys and they are updated when new key are available. I don’t own these keys; I just share it here to make it easy to search in the web.

Sublime Text is a powerful cross platform source code editor. It is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. After recent updates previous license key is no longer working. Previous license key for Sublime Text 3 build 3103, 3114, 3124, 3126 and 3176 can be found at GitHub.

Copy Sublime Text 3 license key from this page

sublime license

Open Sublime Text 3

Open Sublime

Click on Help > Enter License

Paste Sublime Text 3 license key already copied

enter license

Click on Use License

First of all you need to block Sublime Text to check for your license key. Sublime Text is only able to verify your license if you are online. To avoid license check redirect Sublime Text links to localhost ( by adding these in the hosts file at last of your PC.

Where is the hosts file?

In Windows – C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts

In Linux and Mac – /etc/hosts

Guide for Windows users

  • Press the Windows key.
  • Type Notepad in the search field.
    In the search results, right-click Notepad and select Run as administrator.
  • From Notepad, open the following file: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
  • Copy paste those host file text at the end of the file and save
  • Or copy the hosts file to Desktop, add those lines, save it then copy to c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\ , overwrite the old hosts file.

Then register Sublime Text 3 build 3207 with this license key;

Sublime Text 3 license key

----- BEGIN LICENSE -----
 Member J2TeaM
 Single User License
 D7DA350E 1B8B0760 972F8B60 F3E64036
 B9B4E234 F356F38F 0AD1E3B7 0E9C5FAD
 FA0A2ABE 25F65BD8 D51458E5 3923CE80
 87428428 79079A01 AA69F319 A1AF29A4
 A684C2DC 0B1583D4 19CBD290 217618CD
 5653E0A0 BACE3948 BB2EE45E 422D2C87
 DD9AF44B 99C49590 D2DBDEE1 75860FD2
 8C8BB2AD B2ECE5A4 EFC08AF2 25A9B864
 ------ END LICENSE ------​

Changelog 3.2.1 (Build 3207)

  • Various syntax highlighting improvements
  • Git: Git repositories at the top level of a users home directory are ignored for performance reasons. This can be changed via the allow_git_home_dir setting.
  • Git: Improved performance with a large number of git repositories in the side bar
  • Git: Fixed UTF8 BOMs not being handled correctly in .gitignore files
  • Fixed a crash in the Git repository handling
  • Improved file indexing behavior in some scenarios
  • Improved scrolling logic in some scenarios
  • Fixed block carets changing the way text selection works
  • Fixed swap_line_up and swap_line_down transforming tabs into spaces
  • Mac: Added a workaround for a MacOS issue with DisplayLink adapters
  • Fixed: Fixed compatibility with old Linux distributions
  • Linux: Improved high dpi handling under KDE
  • Linux: Tweaked the way text scaling is handled
  • Linux: Fixed incorrect file ownership in the deb packages
  • API: Fixed an incompatibility with SublimeREPL
  • API: Fixed regression with phantoms interfering with home/end behavior

Downloads and a full changelog are available on the Sublime Text 3 page.


Images are from old version btw. I was lazy to update screenshots.


If you have any problem regarding registering sublime text 3.0 please comment below and let me know.

25 thoughts on “Sublime Text 3 License Key”

  1. Спасибос ))) ключик сработал как надо 🙂 Здоровья тебе молодой человек ))

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